Dr. Sameer “Sam” Jejurikar is a board-certified plastic surgeon who practices in Texas. He’s a member of the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute. He offers a full spectrum of cosmetic treatments to help his patients feel …

If You’re Done Feeling Judged and Stressed Out During Your Health Journey, You Need BFrank Coaching
Let’s face it: reaching out to a professional for help with your health and fitness journey can be intimidating and downright scary. When you’re already in such a vulnerable state, you may not necessarily want …

How to Set Up Your At-Home Britsbarre Studio
If we took a worldwide survey and asked people if they were planning on purchasing at-home fitness equipment back in January of 2020 — most would’ve said no, opting for gym memberships instead. Before the …

Don’t Like Fish? Try Fish Oil Supplements for Heart Health
By now you’ve probably heard about the benefits of fish for heart health. But what if you don’t like fish? Thankfully, you can still help support your heart health with fish oil supplements. Fish oil …

How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Telehealth
Over the course of 2020, telehealth – or access to health care professionals via telephone or any electronic devices that enable video conferencing – has gone from a niche rarity to common practice. During the …

Implementing Texas Olive Oil into a Mediterranean Diet With Texas Hill Country Olive Co.
The heart-healthy Mediterranean Diet initially exploded in popularity in the 1990s and has become a staple in countless households. It is generally based on the eating habits of residents of Spain, Italy, and Greece. Touted …

Forget Sports Drinks, Yanni Hufnagel’s Lemon Perfect Offers Truly Healthy Hydration
There are few things more rewarding than a cold, thirst-quenching drink after a hard workout or between exercise sets. You’ve put in the effort, pushed your physical limits, and it’s time for a refreshing reward. …

Telehealth Continues To Grow: The Advantage of Mental Health Services Like Talkspace During A Pandemic
Telehealth had already been gaining a foothold in medicine for its availability of services. But the necessity of telehealth, and popularity, exploded once daily life ground to a halt amid COVID-19 guidelines and regulations. Companies …