It’s widely known that diet impacts many aspects of your life. From your energy to your overall health, and even your performance in the gym, what you eat makes a bigger difference than you may …
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Hair Health: 5 Reasons Woman Love Revialage Scalp Recovery
It’s no surprise that many of us value our hair. From straightening to braiding and everything in between, maintaining our hair’s appearance has become part hobby, part necessity. While it can be one of the …

Forget Sports Drinks, Yanni Hufnagel’s Lemon Perfect Offers Truly Healthy Hydration
There are few things more rewarding than a cold, thirst-quenching drink after a hard workout or between exercise sets. You’ve put in the effort, pushed your physical limits, and it’s time for a refreshing reward. …

Yoga Teacher, Jolene Cherry, Shares 5 Reasons Why Now is the Perfect Time to Start Yoga
Like most people, you’re probably spending a lot more time at home due to COVID-19, which is why it is the perfect time to take up yoga. So, whether you’re looking to start a new …

Telehealth Continues To Grow: The Advantage of Mental Health Services Like Talkspace During A Pandemic
Telehealth had already been gaining a foothold in medicine for its availability of services. But the necessity of telehealth, and popularity, exploded once daily life ground to a halt amid COVID-19 guidelines and regulations. Companies …

David Pascht Interview: Sharing His Perspectives on Health, Wellness, and Entrepreneurship
When it comes to entrepreneurship, building your business is only part of the job. Savvy entrepreneurs know just how important it is to also prioritize your health and wellness, when it comes to building your …
Douglas James Reviews His Favorite Snacks For Sustaining High-Energy
All entrepreneurs know how much mental and physical energy it takes to get through the day. When you’re the boss of your own business, and operating as a powerhouse, it can be draining to get …
Probiotic Supplements: Do They Actually Work? [2020 Health Guide]
When it comes to vitamins and supplements, it can be confusing to know which ones to trust, and which ones to integrate into your health regime. Many products tout impressive health benefits but fall short …
What happens if Hypothyroidism is left untreated?
While hypothyroidism is a very difficult condition for patients to deal with, it can be treated and it can be controlled. However, this does not always happen, and this can lead to further complications for …
Link round-up: What we found out about illegal drugs
It’s a debatable topic; to the extent that countries all around the world offer widely different policies. Today’s post isn’t going to get into the rights and wrongs of illegal drugs, but more the facts …