Email marketing is an excellent means of marketing strategy that many businesses tend to overlook nowadays. Email marketing helps businesses to follow up on leads to convince them of why they need your products and, subsequently, customer retention.
The best thing about email marketing is that you get to have a compilation of quality leads because, for them to subscribe to receive your newsletters every day, they are more likely to be genuinely interested in your products.
The Web Success Portal by Success Study LLC offers the best digital marketing advice for your businesses with well-researched strategies. The Web Success Portal team has outlined below 5 of the best ways to build the ultimate email list.
How To Build The Ultimate Email List
Each Landing Should Have A Personalized Call-To-Action
The call-to-action on each landing page should be personalized to suit why your visitors are on the page. For instance, if their search leads them to a particular page on your website or blog, the call-to-action should be related to their search.
It could be to sign up or input their email addresses for a lead magnet, such as an eBook, infographic, report, etc. This way, your email would seem of value to them rather than a disturbance.
Use A Timed Survey Or Pop-up Notification
Success Study LLC confirms that surveys or notifications that pop up or slide in after the visitor has been on the page for some time are also effective in retaining your user’s attention and getting their contact information.
Make Use Of Sarcasm And Humour In Your Call-To-Action
You don’t have to use the regular old Yes or No option. Adding a little humor, such as, “Yes, I’d like it,” “No, my health does not matter,” and so on, would let the users sense a human presence behind the website.
It makes them more inclined to click the positive button, and they look forward to hearing more of your humor.
Include Your Call-To-Action In Your About Us Page
If users visit your “About Us” page, then it is likely that they are interested in knowing more about your business, products, and services. This makes it perfect for a call-to-action, not to purchase goods but to sign up for your newsletter.
Please don’t be too hasty to make them patronize you. An email address will be sufficient for subsequent follow-up and convincing.
Collect Email addresses At In-Person Events
It would be best if you took advantage of in-person events or physical meetings to collect consumers’ email addresses so they can receive your newsletter and information on new products, discounts, sales, and everything.
You can also gather email information at your physical store if you have one.
Attributes Of A Standard Email List
The first attribute of a standard email list is quality. You have to ensure that you maintain the quality of your list. Refrain from buying lists. Ensure that you get your email addresses from real people.
You also have to ensure that the persons on your list are genuinely interested in your products or services. If you do, you will channel your energy toward the wrong crowd.
A large number of subscribers on your email list is significant, but only if they are quality contacts.